Saturday, February 18, 2012

Downloads for STAGEA Electone

Have you ever encounter any issues with your STAGEA? I have noticed the following FAQ:
  1. What is the latest firmware for my STAGEA? (Ans: ver 1.82)
  2. What is the latest version of the MusicSoft Downloader? (Ans: ver 5.6.1)
  3. Where do I get the update?
  4. How do I install the update?
  5. Compatible Thumb Drive for STAGEA?
  6. How to use the MusicSoft Downloader?
  7. How do I move the Protected Registration Data? (You can "move" but not "copy" the data)
  8. How to playback the Protected Registration Data on my STAGEA and etc?
If some of the above questions are YES to you, help is just a click away. Please check out these two websites: Yamaha MusicSoft and Downloads for ELS01.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Bryan Lee "My Heart Will Go On"

Bryan has been learning with me since Oct last year, that's a great achievement for him considering he has only five months of experience.