Thursday, October 22, 2020

Javier "March of Monsters"

  • This video was taken on 21 Oct 2020 during lesson.
  • Yamaha JEC Course Step 4.
  • Good effort and played with nice expression 👏

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Reader Enquiry 04

This post was updated on 6 Nov 2020 at 11:00 am

To better protect the reader privacy, I have deleted some parts of this post.

Anyway, the intention of this post is to encourage students to practice regularly and have a fruitful music learning journey 😃 


 Hi Dennis, 


Teacher Dennis:

Hi Reader,

A big welcome to you!

Let say if I have a girl who is around 9 years old, and I want her to not just enjoy music but also excel in it; below are the steps I am prepared to follow:

1) Bring her to attend music concert at least once every 3 months, these could be those free and easy one organised by SSO at the Botanic Garden or Yamaha students' performances or paid concerts that are more formal. 

2) Practice regularly. Regularly means everyday, yes you never hear wrongly, if you want good progress, this is something you cannot avoid. If that's not possible, the next best option may be 4 days out of a week, 20 to 30 minutes per practice session. I need to adjust my expectations in this case as she is not on a daily practice schedule. 

3) Encourage her to take ownership of what she wants to do. With that comes responsibility, attitude, perseverance and etc.

Bear in mind, every student is different and there is no one size fit all kind of method, you may need to change your way as and when where it is needed.

That's my two cents and best of luck to you and your girl.



Teacher Dennis:

Referring to your question of "lack of initiative.....", this has got to do with taking ownership, self discipline and etc. Mommy may need to step in to arrange her time table for practice if she is not mature enough. Taking her to concerts and performances will surely motivate her.

As for how to make a conducive environment for practice, I think it is a mistake to place the Electone in the living room where there are lots of distraction, TV, family member talking, to name a few. Her bed room or study room may be a better alternative, turn on the air con if possible, all these could make her practice session more enjoyable, of course if you own a Stagea ELS01C or ELS02C, it will be a perfect solution. 
