"Very good effort. Unfortunately this is no longer valid as the website has just migrated to : https://yamahamusicdata.jp. It is now compulsory to sign up as a member. Another point to note is that the website does not accept non-Japanese issued credit cards. At least all my Singapore credit cards were rejected and this issue is confirmed when I wrote to them. One way I got around it is to purchase pre-paid cards (web money). Can be quite tedious as you need to create an account on http://webmoney.com and create a virtual wallet to "deposit" your money. Also as we don't live in Jaoan, we would need to buy the pre-paid cards from third party vendor and this add up to the cost. Just for your info unless someone can share a less painful and expensive experience. Alice Ng."
Latest Update on 4 July 2015
Many thanks to the Yamaha Electone Chief Instructor, Ms Lian. This is the info given by her and I have not try it myself, any kind soul who manages to purchase data successfully please let me know, okay?
1) Go to http://www.ymm.co.jp/muma/info_stagea.php
2) Click on the STAGEA corresponding data link and there you go, best of luck then ;-)
3) Important note: Remember to activate your credit card for overseas use first.