Friday, July 17, 2009

How to pass electone exam with distinction?

The Yamaha lower grade (gr.9-gr.6) examinations are marked on a scale of five levels: A, B, C, D, and E on the marking sheet.

Each grade stands for the following evaluation:
  • A: Very good (+2)
  • B: Good (+1)
  • C: Satisfactory, but passing (0)
  • D: Needs practice (-1)
  • E: Completely unsatisfactory (This grading for any subject will constitute a 'Fail' result regardless for all other subjects)

Overall result is a 'Pass' if all subjects add up to '0' point or above.

Distinction is awarded if all subjects are grade 'A' or 'B' and there are at least 3 'A' grades in 3 different subjects (ie:You must score at least an 'A' in each subject).

The three subjects are as follow:


  • Musical Expression: articulation, dynamic, pedaling and etc
  • Rhythm: sense of rhythm, steady tempo
  • Technique: fingering and posture


  • Effort to produce the image and the atmosphere of the piece
  • Musical flow
  • Accuracy


  • Harmonic flow, appropriate selection of chords and accompaniment
  • Musical performance, dynamic, tempo, musical ideas

Finally, I would like to wish all you guys GOOD LUCK! Cheers ;-)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009